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Detoxification - My Story

Detoxification - My Story

Posted by Mildred Jones on Dec 7th 2024

When I was a child I was raised by my grandparents. And we lived out off of the highway back in

the woods. Since we lived out off of the highway my grandfather had a garden and my

grandmother had chickens. So our veggies were pure, no preservatives or anything artificial. The

chickens were not injected with hormones. Our food was basically pretty natural.

However, we had to get detoxed before summer and winter came around. My grandparents gave

us cod liver oil for detoxification. I did not like it at that time because the fish oil smelled like

fish and the oil tasted bad. But now I know that it was good for me and a good thing to do. The

detoxing kept us healthy and I don’t remember getting sick. Today we have herbal products to

detox our bodies gently and safely. Detoxing helps cleanse the liver and colon so that these

organs can continue to function properly the way they were made to. Detoxification is a good

thing because we ingest so many toxins from everywhere, the air, water, chemicals, skin products,

food, our work environment and the list goes on. And over time these toxins stay in our bodies

which cause problems down the road.

Our immune systems get weaken because of the toxins being left in our bodies that have not been

eliminated. Every person is different when it comes to eliminating waste. Some of us detox

naturally by going two to three times a day and then there are the rest of us that need some help!

That help for me has been herbs, not the ones that my grandparents used with the fish smell but

different ones. Detoxification is real and a good practice now days to do.