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Bach Flower Remedies Essence Rock Rose - 0.7 Fl Oz


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Bach flower remedies essence rock rose - 0.7 fl oz

Rock Rose is one of the Bach Flower Essences contained in Feel5ive Remedy - the pre-mixed remedy that comes to the rescue when we're faced with stressful, fearful situations. This essence helps build courage and alleviate terror.

Examples of people in the negative Rock Rose state include those who have just been given the news of a life-threatening accident or illness; children who awaken screaming from a nightmare and can't calm down enough to go back to sleep; or persons who have narrowly escaped a serious accident and are still shaking with fear.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


country of origin : united states
size : 20 ml
pack of : 1
selling unit : each

ingredients : active ingredient: 5x dilution of rock rose; helianthemum nummularium; hpus. Inactive ingredient: 27% alcohol